Monday, June 29, 2009

The Penquin

CJ started her swim lessons tonight. This year she is in the penguin class. Mama and Daddy hope the sunny weather holds up for the entire session. CJ is doing well - still loves to put the back of her head and ears into the water, while avoiding her face. We'll see how she progresses. She wanted her "piece of paper" after class so we had to explain that she won't get that until the end of the session.

Haircut #2

This one came complete with a shampoo and conditioning, a movie and French braids with sparkle spray. Wow!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Washington Park

Sunday morning's clouds were quickly replaced by sun and CJ decided to don her fancy new dress from Grandma W and to show her cousins one of her new favorite parks - Washington Park. There was some monkey bar practice, tag, tunnel slides and sand play before everyone was ready to head out for lunch and to make their way home. Thanks for coming.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The After Party

Grandma W. and CJ's cousins were able to join us for a nice warm afternoon of unwrapping presents, playing, visiting the park with spray feature and tunnel slide, dinner and ice cream. Some of CJ's favorite things.


CJ had a great time at her party with her cousins and friends. They decorated rock star glasses; jumped/sang/danced to music with Maggie; enjoyed pizza, a musical instrument exchange and cupcakes. Fun times. We are thankful to everyone who was able to help us celebrate.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Sugar, Sugar, Sugar

And a little butter, milk, vanilla. That's what our cupcakes are frosted with. CJ decorated every one of them by herself! Mama was doing the frosting and CJ gave it a quick try, but decided to stick with the decorating. What a nice job! Last year Mama made the cupcake decorations herself, but this year we were lucky enough to find toppers that seemed perfect for CJ's upcoming music party - guitars and stars.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Big, Black Hole

Otherwise known as the little pink kitchen. Or the cookery. If something is missing in the house, it is a good place to check. Beer opener? The little pink kitchen. CJ's art? The little pink kitchen. The turkey baster? The little pink kitchen. (The baster is one of her favorite toys. Why buy real toys? Just give her kitchen accessories).

Today was more problematic. Mama and CJ were trying to bake the cupcakes for CJ's party on Saturday and Mama could not find enough cupcake pans. It finally came to her that she'd given one to CJ for her kitchen. But, CJ did not want to share it. Finally with some bribery (and threats of possibly cancelling the party), CJ came around and the cupcakes were made. Let's hope they are yummy.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Sunny Day. Jamison Fountain. Chocolate Ice Cream. Need we say more?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Guess Who is Four? (And Happy Father's Day!)

We had a fairly quiet day. Presents with breakfast:

A mostly sunny run with Mama and Daddy via a farmer's market (for some fresh strawberries) and Starbucks (for a birthday chocolate milk), followed by some playing at home and pizza at CJ's favorite restaurant with neighbors:

A special big top cupcake:

And a couple of more presents (like these pj's), followed by some sleepy birthday hat modeling:

What a big girl.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hello Summer Fun

Today Mama and CJ hit the local amusement park for a fun morning of preschool rides. CJ got about 10 rides in during the 2-hour session, followed by a story and milk and cookies. Looks like she had fun, doesn't it?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

New Babies are So Warm

CJ was so excited to meet her new cousin and to have an opportunity to hold her. Baby C even gave us a glimpse or two of her beautiful eyes. Visiting with Grandma and her cousins was the icing on the cake.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Puppet Show

Today we hit one of CJ's favorite places - OMSI. We ended up making it one of our last stops of the day and that worked out so well. Not many parents hit the science playground from 3-5 on a Friday afternoon. We'll have to remember this.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Not the best photo, but here's the little ballerina practicing her balance. She's really getting better at her ballet.

Can You Say Tattoo?

Here's what CJ did today while Mama put the groceries away! She was supposed to be doing some coloring outside, but apparently forgot our rule of only writing on paper. She mentioned something about getting the idea from one of the pictures of a girl in her book, but Mama couldn't find any "Fairy Friends" with this body art. As someone mentioned later in the day it was "So Portland".

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tree Hugger

Here's CJ after music class and on her way to her last day of school. We can't believe her first year is over already.

PS - You can catch a glimpse of Mama's new ride in the background.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Girls are Getting Old

No, we aren't talking about the one who is 3 and 11/12.  Mama and Little B are feeling old.  Little B's been walking around with a crooked tail all day after her hiking and swimming and Mama ended the day with a crooked back after helping Daddy scoop 4 yards of garden mulch.  CJ helped a little bit, but had more fun sitting on the porch looking cute.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Beach

Well, almost.  Today's hike took us to Kelley Point Park - where the Willamette and Columbia rivers meet.  CJ was excited that Little B joined us for the hike.  Not much walking, but a nice snack on the logs, a tree swing, caterpillars and some water to play with made her happy.  Little B had fun fetching sticks in the water.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Welcome Baby C

CJ has a new little cousin, Baby C, and she is so excited to meet her.

Oh My!

We had better make it to the store quickly. When Mama opened the fridge, CJ shouted "Do we only have one beer left?!?!"

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Parade

Each year Mama and CJ have a tradition of going to a local kids parade.  Today we met some friends to watch the action:

We followed it up with a quick treat at a bakery and visit with Ramona at the park on our way back to the car:

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Take a Picture of Me

The girl who wouldn't sit still a couple of years ago to have her picture taken with her cousins is now asking for photo shoots.  After a few still shots, she performed Jingle Bells over and over for a movie.