Wednesday, June 25, 2008

She's a Big Girl - And Maybe a Lefty

Today (ok, I'm backdating my post) we had our 3-year check-up and CJ is a big girl. Her height and weight have always been in the 90-95th%. This time her weight (37 pounds) is still there, but her height (37-1/2 inches) has dropped to the 50-75th%. The doctor even made a comment that we might want to watch her fat intake.

During our visit, the doctor drew a circle on the chalkboard and had CJ draw eyes, ears, hair, legs and arms. I thought maybe it was a test for dyslexia, but the doctor indicated that she wanted to see what CJ could do and if she could follow instructions. She did pretty well. All with her left hand! I have seen her use both hands while drawing and eating and haven't paid much attention lately. The doctor mentioned that some teachers like a child to "choose" one hand or the other before they go to school, but that others think this is controversial. I'll have to pay more attention now to see if she truly favors the left or not.

Oh, yes. She also got one shot and was a super champ during it. Perhaps she was thinking of ice cream, like Sally did in Sally Goes to the Vet, but there were no tears. Funny thing is she cried 3 times during her birthday party...

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