Friday, August 29, 2008

She Earned It

No, not her MD, but CJ passed her Goldfish swim lessons today and earned her medical kit. She did great. After the first round of Goldfish swim lessons, the teacher told us that we could repeat Goldfish or move on to Penguin, but Mama wasn't so certain that CJ was ready to move ahead. This time Mama feels a bit more certain. CJ did great and really loved getting in the pool and playing all the games she was familiar with. This pool added a few obstacles (we had to drive, parking was a bear, the broken heater, the deep pool fiasco), but CJ really loved the fun shallow area.

The sun peeked out on Tuesday so we stayed after and CJ played and played, not wanting to leave. She found a small mat and was able to push it and jump on it to float around while kicking. She fell asleep as soon as we got into the car. We played again on Thursday and Friday. This pool is definitely better for recreation, but the first lessons were Mama's favorite.

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