Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Ready and waiting...

Here we are.

Check out my new necklace (and lack of socks)!

She never looked back! When we got to school, Mama hung CJ's lunch basket on her hook and started to put some of her extra clothes in her cubbie. Meanwhile, CJ peeled her shoes off and headed inside. When Mama entered she thought she'd find CJ playing with the wooden dolls she'd loved on Friday, but CJ was already part of circle time, playing a game rolling a ball to her school friends and learning their names.

The day seemed to be a good one. CJ was excited about her beaded necklace (she mentioned that she didn't use any red beads) and it sounds like there is more art in her cubbie so we'll pick that up in the morning. At dinner she was singing songs we've never heard and clapping. She was definitely tired by bedtime. The only thing that didn't go so well is that we already lost a pair of her socks, but hopefully those are in the cubbie, too.

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