Saturday, December 20, 2008

Arctic Blast

The two news channels in town have been reporting on the arctic blast almost non-stop.  We thought we'd get away from the news and enjoy the white stuff, but CJ didn't have much in her this morning.  She and Daddy were supposed to make a snowman and she was pretty excited about it.  The powdery snow didn't fare well for a snowman or snowballs and shortly after we went outside, CJ wanted to go back in and remove all the snow clothes.  We managed to convince her to go for a walk with the bribe of a chocolate milk, but Daddy ended up carrying her most of the way.

Mama picked up the newspaper and thought it was quite funny that Chelsea Cain had a story in it about taking her 3-year old daughter out for fun in the snow and how short the experience lasted.  {I'm hoping they will add the story to the link, but it isn't currently showing up}

Later in the evening we were getting ready to walk the puppies when the wind really picked up.  It had cooled off and the snow that was coming down had become more icy.  It looked harsh compared to the morning, but CJ said she wanted to go.  Everyone got dressed and we expected that one of us would turn back with CJ after we got a house away, but she loved it.  She had a blast throwing the snow while little B would jump and try to catch it in her mouth and CJ was stopping every few feet to make snow angels.  Unfortunately we didn't have the camera with us, but it was cute.  Maybe she will end up liking the snow after all...

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