Friday, January 30, 2009

Out of this World

Today we met some friends at a newer play/pizza place called Out of this World.  While the pizza wasn't much to speak of, the place was pretty fun with a few inflatables, ride-on toys, a climbing wall, several carnival like slides and even a softer area for the little ones.  CJ wore herself out.  I bet we'll go back.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mirror, Mirror

Who is the gaudiest of them all?  CJ just had to have this sparkly princess set, complete with crown, earrings, ring, purse, comb and mirror.  Here she is checking out her reflection before she performs a show on her keyboard.  Her favorite song is still Jingle Bells and when she figured out that the keyboard has this stored on one of the keys, she was ecstatic.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Oh My Goodness!

Why did she wake up saying "Oh My Goodness!"  Because she looked out the window and saw how white it was.  This is the snow we usually get, just a dusting and it was gone by the end of the day.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Thumbs Up

Well, if she had thumbs, Little B would give a Thumbs Up to the new pillows on the couch.

Future Helper

If only CJ could really help us with the painting project so it would move faster - especially with that brush!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Secret

"Mama, I have a secret I want to tell you.  Let me whisper it in your ear."

"My dolly is going to be the next president!"

And we didn't even watch the inauguration.  We were at music class...

Friday, January 16, 2009

Face Girl

No, not Facebook.  She just loves to make faces and tell you what they are.  Tonite on our dog walk she displayed Sad Face, with a frown, Silly Face, with a stuck out tongue, Happy Face with a smile and Thinking Face, tapping her cheek with her pointer finger.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Another day, another play date for CJ.  Today we met some friends at the Airplay Cafe after our music class.  There was a singalong for kids and the place was packed when we got there, but it really cleared out fast after the show ended.  CJ enjoyed the show, but also lounging around on the stage on the extra huge orange beanbags and playing baby with her friend.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Puddles Place

Today we ventured across the bridge to meet some other kiddos at the Water Resources Education Center in Vancouver.  The place was very clean, with lots of toys for the little ones.  I wish we had found it sooner because now CJ is getting a little old for the Puddles Place space. It wasn't far at all and afterwards we met Daddy for lunch.

This isn't the best picture, but here is CJ with her bird worksheet.  She didn't want to leave until she finished it.  We don't do much coloring at home, but if you look closely you wouldn't know it.  She is awesome at staying in the lines!

(One other thing Mama noticed when posting this picture is that she's had the camera date set wrong since we got it.  Apparently she should have been using military time.  Oops)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Puppy Sandwich

Good thing Little B is so tolerant.  CJ decided to make a puppy sandwich out of her and some pillows on the couch today.

Bye, Bye Suby

After 11 years and less than 24 hours on Craigslist, she's gone.  Bye, bye suby.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Seven Year Itch

After seven years in the bungalow and two wall colors (butter yellow and raspberry truffle), we are finally ready to attempt painting the woodwork in the dining room.  CJ is enjoying playing in the big open space. 

Words of the Week

Earlier in the week, at bathtime:

"My princess doll has the biggest boobies EVER!"

Tonite, as we were talking about going to dinner at a restaurant that used to be one of Mama and Daddy's favorites before CJ was born:

"But you can't eat when someone is in your tummy?!?"

Hand Me Downs

Apparently CJ likes the hand me downs from her cousin.  Today we were all bundled up for a dog walk when she ran back to her room "to get something".  It was this princess bikini, which she donned on top of her puffy vest and jeans.  Quite the look

Friday, January 2, 2009

Garden d'Lights

While visiting Seattle, we made our way to the Bellevue Botanical Garden for another show of holiday lights.  The lights were arranged as all sorts of flowers, complete with butterflies, fountains, etc.  CJ had a great time posing for the camera.  Thanks for the great idea, Aunt A.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Merry Christmas?

Or Happy New Year?  We headed up to Seattle for a weather-delayed Christmas celebration.  CJ had a great time staying at Grandma W's and playing with her cousins.  She liked some of her presents so much that she tucked them away when her cousins came over so she wouldn't have to share...