Monday, January 10, 2011

A Sad Day

Today Mama sold "the Bob". It was a happy day because we made some room (and some money), but also a bit sad as we'd gotten a ton of use out of it since its maiden voyage above. Mama had major stroller obsession while pregnant, and all her late nights of research paid off as this worked out to be a great choice for us. CJ was still willing to sit in it while Mama and Daddy ran together, but lately Mama felt a bit funny about having her ride in it, even though she's well below the 70-pound weight limit. This was probably our favorite and most-used baby purchase (the Ergo baby carrier was #2). The only thing Mama wished she would have done differently was to get a strollometer. It would have been interesting to know how many miles we put on this thing. Plus, someone on Craigslist seriously emailed asking what year it was and how many miles it had.

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