Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sliding Solo

Today our plan was to go to the public outdoor pool as soon as it opened. We'd gone last Sunday and really had to fight the crowds for chairs and space. Well, we didn't make it before opening, but we were close. And this week it was still a bit cloudy out, which meant we had much more room to spread out. It appears that if the morning starts out sunny, people have lots of time to plan to swim before the pool opens at noon. This week the clouds were just starting to clear when we arrived. Mama read a bit until it was warm enough for her to go in, but CJ and Daddy jumped right in and had so much room to themselves. It was a great day. We went down the big blue slide and Daddy mentioned that he'd seen some really small children doing it by themselves. We asked CJ if she wanted to try and she said yes. She did awesome, letting Dad go first to catch her at the bottom. And there was no line, so we ran back up the stairs to do it again and again. She's getting to be such a big girl.

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