Sunday, August 31, 2008

California Playing

In the NW, we usually see wood chips under the play structures at parks. In California, we found sand. Who wants to wear their shoes when playing in sand?

Saturday, August 30, 2008

She's a Trooper

We gave CJ a big test today - a 10-hour drive to Grandma and Grandpa R's house. 12 hours, if you count the stops. We broke the trip into thirds and brought along the necessary diversions of toys and even a few movies to watch on Mama's computer. She did great, although she was a bit jazzed up when we got there and certainly not ready for bed. She was too excited to see Grandma and Grandpa.

Friday, August 29, 2008

She Earned It

No, not her MD, but CJ passed her Goldfish swim lessons today and earned her medical kit. She did great. After the first round of Goldfish swim lessons, the teacher told us that we could repeat Goldfish or move on to Penguin, but Mama wasn't so certain that CJ was ready to move ahead. This time Mama feels a bit more certain. CJ did great and really loved getting in the pool and playing all the games she was familiar with. This pool added a few obstacles (we had to drive, parking was a bear, the broken heater, the deep pool fiasco), but CJ really loved the fun shallow area.

The sun peeked out on Tuesday so we stayed after and CJ played and played, not wanting to leave. She found a small mat and was able to push it and jump on it to float around while kicking. She fell asleep as soon as we got into the car. We played again on Thursday and Friday. This pool is definitely better for recreation, but the first lessons were Mama's favorite.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

That Mama is Better

One of our Craigslist finds was a nice bike trailer. We've used it to go to the park, the fountain, the farmers market and the brewfest. Whenever we have gone for a ride, Daddy has been the one pulling the trailer with his bike. CJ and Mama have noticed lots of Mama's around town pulling bike trailers and have been wondering if this Mama could do the same. Today we noticed one and when Mama asked CJ if she thought Mama could do that she said no.

Why not?

Because that Mama is better.

But, Daddy pulls you.

Daddy is better, too.

Monday, August 25, 2008


Today CJ crossed her wrists and said she was doing the sign (American Sign Language) for "friend". When I asked her where she learned that, she told me "Lourde taught it to me." Lourde is CJ's imaginary friend. We don't hear much about her, but we do know she lives "at downtown". Mama checked the internet and saw that the sign for friends is moving and linking your index fingers. It looked very similar to CJ's movement, only with the fingers instead of the wrists. That Lourde sure is smart.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Bubbles and Beads

She loves parties. This one had shiny beads, games, bubble wands, a pinata, yummy food, cake, juice boxes, water balloons and lollipops. What's not to love?

Friday, August 22, 2008

We're Getting Close

Preschool starts in less than three weeks. Tonight was a potluck at the park, where we got together with the teachers and many other families. CJ's favorite part may have been the mini cupcakes. Friday after next is orientation day and school starts the following week. Hard to believe it's been six months or more since we were making the preschool rounds. Guess it is time to start thinking about kindergarten...

Three out of Five Ain't Bad

Well, ain't so great either. Wednesday's swim lesson was fine. CJ was joined by two other little girls and CJ's friend chose to sit on the sidelines. CJ did great. Thursday was supposed to be a little better weather-wise, but we got a call from the pool saying that lessons were canceled because the pools weren't heated enough. OK, I guess. On Friday, Mama called and was told the lessons were on. Hmmm. They neglected to say that they were in the deep, lap pool only - not the leisure pool. And that the little kids would be standing on some metal, bleacher-like tables that they put in the water. And that the classes would be squeezed in next to each other, trying to keep the kids on the tables. Of course it was crowded today since the sun decided to make an appearance. CJ's class had 5 or 6 students and she was having a blast, until she slipped a bit and went under. She was fine, but shaken. She got out, but went back in for a mat ride. I guess she wanted to earn the stethoscope from the medical kit. She seemed to enjoy the ride, but shortly after they put her back on the table, she decided she was done with class for the day. Mama thought that was just fine. Let's hope next week goes a little more smoothly.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Goldfish, Part Two

We're in the first week of our second session of Goldfish swim lessons. A pink medical kit is on the line this time. Yesterday's lesson was cancelled due to thunderstorms in the area. Today was gray, but dry and warmer. CJ and her friend were the only kids in today's Goldfish class and they each ended up with their own teacher. It was nice, but Mama doubts that it will continue like this, especially with sun in the forecast (just not for tomorrow). CJ showed off her skills and blew bubbles while the teacher sang the Alphabet song. She made it all the way to Z two times!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

One More Party

Not the most flattering picture, but this is what she looked like after another fun party. A quiet mention of the goody bag got her up on her feet and ready to head home.

Birthday Party #2

Postponed. Maybe next week.

Oh yeah, and CJ told us that her brother is going to be 4 next week. Mama said "Oh, really. Who is your brother?"

"He's a froggie."

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Our First Tomato

Mmmmmm. It was good. This was the Isis Candy variety. Maybe she just liked it because it has candy in the name...

Birthday Party #1

This birthday party was outside at a preschool playground. Lots of fun stuff, but very warm. CJ found a little shade. She loved the John Deere cake and ice cream sandwiches.

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

With the 100 degree temperatures and 3 kiddie birthday parties on the docket for the weekend, we decided not to make the pink cupcakes CJ suggested for Daddy's birthday. Instead, we whipped up this Strawberry Whipped Sensation. Pretty yummy.
Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Another Fountain

With 100 degree temperatures in the forecast, we decided to head to Grant Park for some play and time in the wading pool. Unfortunately, the Parks Department only staffs (and fills) the pool through August 14th! Fortunately, the park also has the Beverly Cleary Tribute Fountain. CJ loved riding on Ribsy (hopefully she didn't get any ideas about doing this with her dogs), copying the big kids splashing in the mud and using a ziploc bag to try to fill up the wading pool. The water and the shade kept us cool.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

High Season

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Mama and Daddy aren't big fans of crowds and prefer to take the budget option when possible, but this summer we did make it to the beach during high season. It sure is nice to be able to get some sun and visit the Pacific Ocean without your rain gear. CJ loved it - especially the hotel. She said she wanted to stay there "all day and all night", but truly loved building sand castles and little dips in the water more. She's even told us that she'd like to move next to the beach so we can go there every day. Now we just have to figure out how to make that happen!
(9/6/08 - Mama just downloaded Picasa 3 to create this photo collage and even used the "blog this" button to quickly add the pictures to a new posting)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Taking the Show on the Road

By the show, we mean "spinning" and the road in this case meant "the stage at Oaks Park. Although you can't tell from the photo, the stage is very popular on the preschool mornings. Today CJ seemed more interested in having a snack than in riding the rides, but she did take a break to perform on the stage. We made it on the Rockin' Tug for the first time this year and CJ even ventured up to Chipper the Chipmunk solo to say hi.

Monday, August 4, 2008


A warm day, a morning bath and an early dinner gave CJ the opportunity for a quick dip in the pool before bed. She loved cooling off and blowing bubbles, but the highlight of the swim was tormenting Little B. CJ used her purple froggie to give B a squirt for a drink and then B was hooked. She wanted the little puple froggie and watched its every move until Mama removed him from the scene. CJ looks a little too happy with the trouble she was causing, doesn't she?

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Dinner and a Show

The day started off quite cloudy, but a visit from Daddy's Uncle B, L & J brought the sun out for a nice walk around the neighborhood - with a visit to the local gelato shop and a trip to the playground included. We ate dinner outside for the first time this summer, where CJ's meal was interrupted for a quick show. You'll see the sandbox doubles quite nicely for a stage.

Friday, August 1, 2008


So, the spelling continues around here. Tonight after dinner CJ proclaimed "We still have time for S-O-A-T!" When Daddy asked what SOAT meant Mama expected to hear something about ice cream, however CJ squealed "books". She really does love to read before bed.