Monday, April 20, 2009

Bellying Up

Can you really belly up to the bar before you are 4 years old?!?  CJ walked into the brewpub in Hood River and sat down on the bar stool and Mama just had to snap a picture.  Just wait til her college days - bet she'll be more interested in the brews than her new flamingo puppet then.

The weather was great and Daddy was able to get a little time off work so we headed out to Hood River to take advantage of the sun.  No, we didn't head right to the pub - we also stopped for a quick hike up to Multnomah Falls (check out CJ's arabesque) and a dip in the river.
I'm sure we'll be back soon.  CJ really wanted to hike further than the upper bridge at the falls and she always has a great time playing at the river and enjoying gelato in town.

It was a little weird for us to be a one girl, one dog family.  We left Big B at home because we weren't sure he could handle the excitement or the heat.  It's tough to get old.  Sorry, Big B...

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