Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Busy, Busy Day

We started the day with a quick stop at an Easter Egg Hunt.  The rain held off and CJ collected more than one egg so it was very successful compared to last year's.  She passed over many eggs as she ran through the park field and Daddy and Mama both thought she might only be collecting the pink eggs, but we were pleasantly surprised to find a variety in her basket at the end of the hunt.
Off we headed to CJ's school for a planting party.  Our family did a small bed of primarily nasturtium and sunflower seeds. 
We had a quick snack and CJ took a minute for a quick swing and we were on our way again.  We ran a quick errand and then stopped at the bakery for lunch on the way home.

Once there, CJ donned her apron and we colored eggs.
CJ ended the day with a farewell ride on her trike.  She's ready to move on to a two wheeler, although the one she and Daddy put together is a little too big for her right now.

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