Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday Goes to the Dogs

Not much of the game or commercials seen here. CJ seemed fine this morning and had a blast playing with Daddy. But this afternoon she was ready to melt into tears over the least thing (like messing up where she punched a hole in her Valentines) and she let us know that her left ear was hurting. After a warm bath (which brought on more tears), she lay down with Mama and we both fell asleep in front of the Puppy Bowl. When the real game started, so did the tears and Mama's headache. So we headed to Immediate Care where CJ was prescribed some antibiotics for her ear infection, which was apparently getting ready to spread to the other ear as well. Since we were at the doctor's office, Mama got checked out, too and she was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection. Fun, fun.

The appointments actually went pretty quickly, the only issue was that we finished up after 6, which had us driving to 3 pharmacies before we found one that was still open. By that time, we ended up in the post-Super Bowl rush at the pharmacy. Mama wasn't aware that such a thing existed. We're hoping that everyone will be on the mend soon.

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