Tuesday, April 27, 2010


CJ and Mama usually try to do something interesting on Tuesdays since we have no standing obligation. Today we hit an art studio we've been meaning to try for some time. You basically buy a package of paper and then you can use their studio, smock and supplies to create. No time limit. CJ and Mama pretty much had the place to ourselves as CJ created the following masterpieces.

A chalk drawing:
(The pink mess was Mama's fault. We tried to do a rubbing of a stencil and it didn't come out as expected with the chalk.)
An acrylic painting - it was her idea to do the hand print painting:
Her first canvas painting:
(We were running out of time at this point and after painting the whole background as the specialist had suggested, she found the best way to add other colors was with dots.)
When we left, it was POURING. We did our best to get the pieces back in a bag and to the car without damaging them too much.

It was fun, but not so great that we'll be rushing back again soon.

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