Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday, Errand Day

Since Daddy was busy with tasks around the house and yard today, Mama and CJ headed out for a few errands. CJ rode her bike to the local farmers market, where they had a booth set up for kids to do a craft to create their own lunch boxes out of a cardboard box and a quinoa salad snack. They also had a scavenger hunt where we asked the farmers questions, completed a form and won a free popsicle! Yum. We were able to find some yummy strawberries and raspberries and picked up some beets, corn and broccoli for the week.

On the way back home, we picked up our books on hold at the library and then made a quick trip to the market for a few other items. When we got back into the neighborhood, we stopped at a lemonade stand to quench our thirst. We also lucked out and got the last of the 50 state quarters that we needed for our collection, plus a Guam one as a bonus.

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