Thursday, July 21, 2011

Last Day of School

Today was CJ's last day of school and they had a Celebration of Learning to mark the occasion. The kids showed us what they learned about mountains via little songs and hand signals.
Then there was a contest between the children and parents with questions on the rock cycle. The kids won by a landslide (ha, ha). After this, the children modeled costumes they made with t-shirts, wands and wings. The intern for next year has been helping out already and he did an excellent job describing the outfits as the children modeled them.

When the main events were over, we were invited in to the school for a gallery viewing of the children's work and a chance to comment on some of the pieces.

CJ showed the car she made during their learning of wheels and axles and also the writing she put together with a drawing and technical drawing to show how it all came together.

She is really going to miss the place over her summer break.

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