Wednesday, May 30, 2012

She Found Us!

The tooth fairy found us - even at the hotel!


Little B was an angel during the day as the movers came and packed up the house.  She found some time to sunbathe on the back deck and then didn't want to leave the front porch when it was time to go. Hard to imagine that she didn't want to come in to the house the first day we moved in (although it is definitely a much different place now than it was 10 years ago!).

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dream Play

CJ's class put on a play tonight about The Journey Through The Body.  It covered the things the class has been working on including the body, the brain, heart, soul, emotions and dreams and CJ's part was the Silly Funny Dream.  She drew her costume before we went shopping and we did pretty well finding a pink hat and yellow scarf skirt to match her imagined outfit.

Families and friends were invited to a special performance tonight and tomorrow morning there will be an encore presentation for the school at morning meeting.  Mama was busy snapping pictures when her memory card got full.  Whoops.  Thank goodness for iphones.

Numero Ocho

CJ's dried mango snack caused tooth number 8 to fall out after school today.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Oldie, but Goodie

Doing some cleaning in CJ's room today, we came across this beautiful picture CJ drew last month.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ta Da

Not a great picture, but wanted to capture CJ in her last gymnastics class for the year.  She's working on cartwheels, amongst other things.

Interstate Rivalry

Saw this sign on our way to gymnastics today.  Wonder how CA feels about people from OR?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Top Hat

CJ's class has been working on a play and they have been dreaming up costumes.  
They were supposed to keep them simple, mostly from things they already owned.
CJ mentioned wanting a top hat.  We didn't have one, but hit a thrift store and found this beauty.

We also found a great scarf that she's going to wear like a skirt.  
It looks great with the hat.

Can't wait to see the performance next week.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Mama's Solo Journey

After a late night, Mama got up extra early for a quick trip down south to check out some houses.

She also saw lots of palm trees:

Some views:

Beautiful wood and glass:

Orange trees (lemon, too!):

Banana trees (unfortunately this one was in the flight path of the airport):

And several different hibiscus plants:

Monday Getaway

Here was the early morning weather in PDX when Mama left:

Surprisingly not much better when arriving in SAN: 

The difference is that an hour after she touched down, the clouds all went away and the sun came out.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

That Thing in the Sky

When Mama was picking CJ up from school, she was chatting with someone about the weather and pointed to the sun in the sky.  There was an amazing ring around the sun.  It was a few days before the expected eclipse, so must have been a weather phenomenon.  Unfortunately Mama couldn't capture the whole thing with her camera.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Big Girl Haircut

Mama got tired of the little kiddo hair salons and last time we went to get CJ's hair cut at an a la carte place it cost a fortune.  So this time we scheduled an appointment at Mama's salon for a trim. 

They treated CJ like royalty.

Here she is modeling the new 'do afterwards:

El Zorrito

Mama again joined CJ's school for a field trip.  Today we took Max to see El Zorrito at the Children's Theater.  Lots of fun.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Beautiful Day for a Hike

Mama volunteered to join CJ's class today on a hike.  It was a beautiful day and we went into Hoyt Arboretum, more specifically Fairy Forest, for a walk and a picnic lunch amidst the fairy houses.  The kids had a great time and even passed a few sprinklers on the way out and back to make the hike more enjoyable.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Warm Mother's Day

CJ dressed up for the special occasion.
She and Daddy took me out to brunch.  
Our first choice had a line 4 people wide and a block long so we headed to another location.

After a bit of a wait and some yummy food and pastries, we went home to grab the bikes.
We joined the crowds for a Sunday Parkways ride.

We waited in a much too long line for a much too short visit in a much too warm inflatable.
CJ still enjoyed it.

CJ was starting to melt and Daddy had a plane to catch so we headed home fairly quickly.
After CJW cooled down, she walked to the store with Mama and found a new place to practice her gymnastics.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Sun, The Sun

When the sun comes out in Portland, you have to take advantage of it.  

CJW wanted some park time so we biked to a nearby school for some playtime.

Looks like she had fun, right?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Filling

CJ had a filling today.  Apparently one of her molars grew in a bit weak, so when they put sealants on the other 3, they went ahead and put a filling in the weak one.  The dentist went really slowly and CJ did great.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunset Flight

Mama had picked our flight home from San Diego to be the most direct, 
getting us home just after CJ's bedtime.

No one had planned on a light malfunction that the pilots would notice 
just as they backed the plane out of the gate.

So our full flight pulled back in to the gate and we spent the next hour in our seats
(in the very last row of the plane).

Which meant we got home pretty late.

But we did get to see a nice sunset in the air.

So Cal Beaches

Sunset Cliffs:

Ocean Beach:

Dog Beach at Ocean Beach:
(we know some dogs that would have loved this, back in their puppy days)

Children's Park and Promenade

After walking to breakfast, we walked down by the waterfront and checked out the Children's Park and the walkway.  CJ was excited to finally have a chance to play and she loved looking at the trains as they passed.  We even found a farmer's market on our way back to the hotel.

Mouseka Breakfast

We found a yummy place for breakfast in San Diego, guess it is award-winning.  Even made a free Mickey Mouse pancake for CJ.  Totally worth the 20 minute wait.

CIty Views

CJ was only allowed on the roof of the hotel when the bar up there was not open.  So we went up Sunday morning, but the clouds hadn't parted for sun yet.  Still a great view of Petco Park before the game started (we'll have to do that some day - the San Diego weather is perfect for a baseball game).

Saturday, May 5, 2012

San Diego Searching

We spent the day looking around San Diego.  Had breakfast at a nice cafe, across the street from a park.  Drove around the city and checked out the different neighborhoods.  Went around Balboa Park several times.  Someday we'll come back and stop to visit the zoo.  CJ was worn out and even fell asleep in the car a couple of times.  Hopefully we'll get to do something fun tomorrow before we head home.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Seasoned Traveler

We left the rain in Portland behind and headed down to meet Daddy in sunny San Diego.

CJ is an old pro at traveling now:

So is Truffle, who joined us for the trip: