Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day - and then some...

Happy Fourth of July. I've been meaning to post about CJ's growing independence and what an appropriate day. My parenting style may lean towards that of a Helicopter Parent, but I've been trying to step back and see what the kid can do. Even though there are often tears, I've noticed a lot of strides forward recently including:

- She can put a zipper together and almost pull it up;
- She's great at washing her own hands;
- She's even gone to the bathroom on her own a couple of times without prodding;
- She's more adventurous (see Big Pink);
- She has been building her playground skills (can get on a big girl swing by herself, provided it isn't too high off the ground and likes to swing on the bar at the top of slides - this one gives Mama a mini heart attack each time);
- She's great at riding her scooter on our dog walks;
- She can pour her milk from a small container into her cup;
- She can put away/locate things in her room (sometimes this requires prodding);
- She can ride a bike with training wheels; and, of course,
- She can serve herself a popsicle and put the used container in the sink when done!

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