Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Roller Coaster Fever

Today we headed to the local amusement park for their preschool ride session.

CJ had fun on the train ride:

co-drove a purple car:

and, while enjoying the carousel:

she spied "Big Pink":

and she claimed she wanted to go down the big pink slide. Mama was not sure so she asked CJ repeatedly, but CJ said she wanted to do it. We waited in quite a line and even watched a little girl walk back down after getting to the top, but CJ wanted to slide. She said "I'll slide down the pink and you can have the yellow". So, we did. Mama was pretty surprised because CJ is usually pretty cautious and more of a follower, but this was her idea. After the ride she even told Mama how much fun it was.

On the way out, CJ was amazed by the "Looping Thunder Roller Coaster". We had to stop and watch it go around and around and even upside down. I just checked and luckily you have to be 54" to ride that one, so I think we have a little time to prepare.

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