Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Cheers Eve

We're not sure what the words are either -
Anniston, A-ston, Rah, Rah, Rah?

Back to the Old Haunts

It feels like we've done nothing but errands over the holiday break so today Mama and CJ headed to OMSI to have a little fun. CJ was mesmerized by the computer painting game that allowed you to paint a butterfly. She sat there and did all three. Then we moved on to the art room and made this beautiful party hat. It was the busiest activity we've seen there in a while. Daddy met us after work and we stopped for some good old Bella Pizza on the way home. We pretty much had the place to ourselves.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Finally - The White Stuff

She says she loves Christmastime, but it wouldn't be complete without a little snow. We made it outside for a little playing before it melted.

We made a snowman.
And a snow family.

And then tested out the heirloom sled as much as possible in 1-2" of snow.

She had a blast. Once things seemed melty enough, we hiked back to the Max train to pick up Mama's stranded car.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What a Day!

It went from boring to an adventure. We were supposed to meet up with some old playgroup friends, but one of the moms forgot about it, another was sick and some just didn't reply. So we decided to take care of a few more errands.

We thought we could donate some more items before year-end, but when Mama called one of the children's organizations we'd given to before, they said they weren't accepting anything. They had received too many donations in December. She said she'd talked to her peers and they were all in the same boat. Too many donations this month. Hmmm. Haven't heard of that before.

So, Mama decided we would try to take care of a somewhat complicated exchange and she made some calls and then we headed out. We tried a store close to our house first, but after waiting in line we learned we couldn't complete the transaction without a receipt as the item wasn't in their system. So we headed out to another store near the airport. Same thing there. So as we sat in the car making a few more calls, we saw a few snowflakes fall. No biggie, we'd seen flakes earlier in the week when we hiked east of the city and once we headed home they were gone. After a long call, Mama found a store that said they would allow our exchange, but it was way in SW Portland and we were way in NE Portland. We figured it was early enough in the day that we could run out there and still make it home before rush hour so we headed out.

As we drove across town, the snow came down thicker and thicker. The roads seemed great, but people were driving really slow. We continued on thinking that it would turn to rain at any point, since that was the forecast. It didn't happen, but the snow was sure pretty on the trees as we drove. We ran into the mall and finished our business as quick as possible. When we got back out to our car, another inch or two of snow had fallen. This is Portland, remember, so this is huge. We figured it would take a while to get home, but thought we'd just go slow.

As we tried to leave the parking lot, the car in front of us (a Mercedes) started to back up. We didn't understand why until we went around it - the back wheels were spinning. After a bit of a wait, we finally made it onto the freeway. It was bad. It took us an hour and 45 minutes to go 3.8 miles. Cars were spinning out in the lane next to us and we saw a BMW stuck off on the side of the road with its rear wheels spinning. Mama took it slow and put the car in low gear. Thank goodness for all-wheel drive as we didn't notice any slipping. We passed a hilly exit ramp and watched 3 cars back down it to get back on the freeway. We gave Daddy a call as we waited to get onto Highway 26 to head home (luckily Eastbound as Westbound was closed by this point) and then we formulated our alternate plan. We were fortunate to be very close to the Sunset Transit Center so we parked Mama's car there and boarded the Max train back into town. Daddy actually ended up on the same train as us on his way home from work so we all walked home in the snow together.

CJ was a trooper. She never complained about being stuck in the snow or waiting in the cold for the train or the long walk home. We were only sad that we missed some fun playing in the snow at home. We finally got there and this is what it looked like:

The last excitement of the day was letting the dogs out way past the time they usually go out and eat. Big B was so excited at the snow (he loves to eat it), that he ran over to the garage roof and slipped and now he is limping. Let's hope he is ok.

To top it all off, we got this weird package of baklava. It was addressed to the K Family at a street address that doesn't exist on our block. Somehow UPS couldn't deliver it, but they were able to mail a postcard and that came to us so Mama had called about it and said it likely wasn't for us, but we'd check it out. Today it came and had a card from someone we didn't know so Mama called the original company to tell them and they didn't even want to know about it or look up the order. They said the person who bought it had probably already called about it so we could do whatever we wanted to do with it. Ah, the great customer service.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Old, Very Old

That's how Mama felt when she got a solicitation to subscribe to More magazine. Celebrating women OVER 40.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Pool of the Winds

We decided to get out of the house today for a little hike. Mama remembered the Pool of the Winds at Hamilton Mountain and how the waterfalls were all fairly close to the beginning of the hike. That's somewhat true, but they seemed a bit further in today with a 4-1/2 year old giving it all she had to make it up the hills. Several snack breaks got us through it successfully and in addition to the beautiful and icy waterfalls, we even saw a few snowflakes at the end (just as CJ and Mama were talking about how we didn't get any snow for Christmas this year...).

Friday, December 25, 2009

The Ball Gown

Mama picked up this dress at a great sale last week and CJ wanted to wear it right away. Since it wasn't red or green, she said it wasn't a Christmas dress, but was her "ball gown". We managed to defer her from wearing it until after her scooter ride and then she quickly changed into it. Luckily Santa had this sparkly pink headband in her stocking. The purse was a birthday gift last year.
Here's the night look - a slightly different take on the headband and even some lipgloss (it was cold and windy outside).

Merry Christmas

We didn't have the white stuff like last year, but enjoyed sun and dry weather today so CJ was able to get outside and try her new two-wheeled scooter from Santa. Yes, it is pink with frillies and a bell, just as she had requested. She's also modeling her new doll backpack from Mama.

She was slow to get to the living room and presents, preferring to wake up slowly with a show on tv. Then she was fairly surprised that Santa didn't wrap any presents this year - she still remembers that he "borrowed" our wrap last year.

We had a quiet day at home other than getting out for a bit to drop off the cookie plates CJ prepared for a few of the neighbors.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Traditions

We are still trying to figure out what our family traditions are as far as the holiday (for example - does Santa wrap his gifts or not?), but one thing we've been doing is letting CJ open one or two of the wrapped gifts from family on Christmas Eve. One she chose was the warm and fuzzy pj's with buttons from Daddy and she loved them so much she wanted to wear them to bed.

Christmas Eve at Peacock Lane

It was cold and dry and we didn't have other plans, so we thought we'd get in a quick visit to Peacock Lane. We were almost done with our walk of the block when CJ decided on her favorite house - the one with the free candy canes on the fence of course!

The Designer

CJ took the cookie decorating serious this year. She said she was a designer and rather than just sprinkling a bunch of sugar on the cookies and calling it good, she would pour the sprinkles out and selectively choose and place them on the cookies.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Little Last Minute Shopping

With no school this week, we've been running a lot of errands. The gifts are pretty much done, but we needed a few groceries and we wanted to pick up a few items for the humane society's wishlist so we were still able to fight the crowds out and about today. Luckily for CJ there was a park in between the two stores we went to and Mama certainly didn't want to try to park twice so we stopped there quickly.
Here's the little girl acting silly before dropping the humane society gifts under their Christmas tree. The place was packed. They are trying to adopt our 10,000 pets this year and they are really close. It was tough, but we did a quick lap through to visit the dogs and cats.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Drama Queen

Today we met up with a bunch of playgroup friends we've known since CJ was a baby. We were talking about astrology signs and how Cancer people can be dramatic. That makes sense. CJ's been looking forward to her half-birthday for a long time and picked out this hat to wear to see her friends:
Luckily, she gave up her ideas of having a theme for the half-birthday and was fine with a leftover pumpkin muffin being used to hold the candle for her to blow out.

As far as gifts go, we did happen to pick up a copy of Candyland in a cool book box at Target today and she loves it. It is her first board game and she wanted to play it repeatedly.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Dear Santa - We Forgot Something

CJ wants a tree for her backyard. And a treehouse, if possible.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Pike's Place Is Awesome!

We took a quick unexpected trip up to the Seattle area this weekend and while Daddy went to visit with Grandma W (hope you are feeling better!), Mama and CJ snuck downtown to Pike's Place Market. CJ actually fell asleep in the car and as Mama was working her way to the market, she was shocked to hear "well, that was a steep hill" from the back seat. And it was.

As for the market - she loved it! It could have had something to do with the holiday lights, the view, the pink sparkly elephant she brought home or the fruit rolls covered in coconut - who knows. I'm sure we'll be back.

The one thing she didn't care for was the fishmonger who kept trying to get her to hold a crab for her photo. Check out this look. At least he didn't suggest the octopus...

Friday, December 18, 2009


Here's CJ showing off the beeswax candle she hand-dipped at school. Mmmm - it smells good.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Preview of the Ball Gown

Mama was out doing a few last minute holiday errands and found this dress on a stellar sale. CJ loves it and calls it her "ball gown". Check back for more pictures without another dress underneath.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Yes, it was cold last week and yes Mama's hands were often frozen solid (even with ski gloves or two pairs of gloves), but it was sunny! So sunny. Now it is dark and gray and rainy. And the newscasters applauded for this forecast over the weekend? Mama doesn't get it.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Crafty Girl

CJ loves stickers so it was easy to convince her to help me put the stamps on the envelopes for holiday cards. She did a great job putting them in the right spot and keeping the stack in order. She was really interested to know who each card was going to.

Here she is helping Mama assemble the cards:

And here's the card she created on her own:

Saturday, December 12, 2009

They Were Wrong

The weather forecasters predicted snow (up to 4") or freezing rain overnight, but none came. Darn it.

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Igloo (Fort)

CJ loves to make things into other things for imaginary play. Here she repurposed a "boppy" pillow into the entry of her igloo under the futon. It's cold enough outside for an igloo, but no snow or ice.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The List

Since Santa kept our original list, Mama will do her best to reproduce it:

-A Two-Wheel Scooter (this is what she told Santa when he asked for one thing)
-A baby carrier
-A hummingbird feeder
-A yoga mat
-Ballet slippers (size 10.5 D)
-A baseball mitt
-A new paper lantern star for her room
-Legos - pink ones or a car

Santa, Round Two (and Three)

We braved the freezing temps to meet some friends for a visit with Santa. We met at the mall close to our home and stopped for a picture with the tree.

Then we headed downtown on the Max train. CJ loves to ride over the bridges and see the areas where we run on the weekends. We found "Santaland" and took some pictures with the big guy. Here CJ is reviewing her list with him. Santa put the list in his mailbox so I'm sure he will do well granting her wishes.

Then we played a bit around the rest of Santaland for some more photos.

She loves performing and posing for the camera. After a quick chocolate milk and another Max ride back to the mall, CJ and her friend found Santa there. They didn't really question it too much. And since he wasn't busy at all this Tuesday morning, he talked with them and gave them red and white lollipops. A pretty fun morning.

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Stocking

This morning CJ was excited to make the stocking "prize" she received at the Jingle Bell run. Here's the finished product (Mama helped a little, but not much).

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Holiday Decorating

The dog (sorry little B):
The tree:
The girl in front of her work (check out the red balls behind her) - she loved putting them together last year, too.

Jingle Bell Run

CJ has been so excited about this run. We got our wish for dry weather, but it was a cold one.

Pre-race snack in the car:
She's got her bells on:
Start line meditation:
In action:
All done - congratulations!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Gingerbread House

Before (well after Daddy constructed it for us)



She looks so serious while decorating, but she was mostly serious about how to sneak tastes of the decorations...

The Perfect Tree

According to CJ, the perfect tree is about 12 feet tall!

Mama and Daddy found one, but decided to browse through a few thousand other trees before circling back, trying to find it again.

CJ's favorite part - the candy cane in a warm car:

Ready for lights and decorations:

Holy Heck

We woke up to a very cold and foggy morning. CJ looked out the front door and exclaimed "Holy Heck! Look at that!"

Friday, December 4, 2009

Zoo Lights

Yes, we spend a lot of time at the zoo. Tonight was another cold visit to Zoo Lights, but it was dry so no complaining here. We met a polar bear, took pictures with a real goat in the barn and did a craft to decorate the picture, saw the newer cows for the first time, found a newly built entry to the monkeys, heard the elephants making all sorts of noises, enjoyed a snack and hot cocoa and marveled over the lights.

See how happy she looks in the last picture? A bag of cotton candy does wonders for the energy level of a tired girl. Not so good for the hair...