Sunday, March 29, 2009

Yo Yo Mama

Mama went to a craft night last month and started this yo yo puppy doll (yes it was from a kit).  She wasn't able to make it to the craft night this month (still sick with the spring break bug), but she finally finished putting the puppy together today.  It was a little smaller than expected, but CJ still seemed to like it.

Dough Garden

The sparkly dough made another appearance today.  CJ and Daddy put together this dough garden with a hand cut sun, heart/bell/feet flowers, caterpillars, trees, angel birds, etc.  Nice work.

We Made it Out!

Ok, so the Home Renovation and Remodeling Fair probably wasn't what CJ would have selected, but we tried to make it fun for her by taking the Max train, letting her get her face painted (this was supposed to be flowers???) and picking up a special treat or two from the booths.  At least we all felt well enough to get out of the house finally.  

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring Break, Day 3

Guess who else is sick?  Daddy joined us at home today.  This is a bad bug.  We are ready for it to be gone...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Break, Day One

Nope.  We didn't head to the beach or any of the typical Spring Break places.  Apparently the fever got to CJ and she pulled out and donned the hand me down princess bikini to cool off.  And she also passed her germs onto Mama.  Not fair.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Hot Girl

Yesterday CJ woke up in Mama and Daddy's bed all flushed with a fever.  She seemed ok.  The night before she'd said she had a really bad cold at bath time, but she had no symptoms.  Today we knew she didn't feel well.  Over the course of the day, she didn't finish applesauce; a popsicle or even a scoop of strawberry sorbet from the local gelato place.  Usually she can down two scoops in about three bites with no frozen headache.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Snickers and Snickerdoodles

CJ doesn't like nuts.  She'll eat peanut butter and such, but not raw nuts.  Until she went to her cousin's party and found a Snickers bar in her goody bag.  Then she decided she could tolerate them.  Today Mama asked her if she wanted to make Snickerdoodles and I think she thought we were going to make Snickers.  She liked them just the same.

Still Keeping Her Busy

Last fall we made some sparkly dough and it is still a great way to keep CJ busy.  She loves playing with it while we make dinner.  Today she wanted to use the potato masher like they do at OMSI with the flubber.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Full of Compliments

CJ's been coming up with some good one-liners lately.  Today it was sunny so we shared a snack outside in the back yard.  CJ changed into a skirt and short sleeved shirt and then asked for sunscreen.  She said she didn't want to get burned and then she looked at Mama's arm and said "and I don't want my skin to look like that."  Nice.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Something to Look Forward To

During bath time, CJ was talking about her doll, Shayla, and how it was just her fourth birthday (we have a lot of birthdays around here!).  She was mentioning how great it was to be four because then you can do all sorts of fun things - like fix light bulbs and climb on ladders.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

From the Mouths of Babes

This morning CJ decided to tell us that she wanted a new baby.  Nope, not a doll, but a new baby in the house.  Luckily we knew that she was just repeating something she'd heard on a tv show where a new baby came into the house and all the home projects had been put on hold.  We understand that one.

And the other day while she was driving in the car with Mama she was telling a story about her doll who was in the car and how her doll was going to trade her mother for another one because she wouldn't let the doll take ice skating lessons.  Hmmm.  We haven't talked about ice skating for a long time, but maybe we should look into it???

Crafty Girl

CJ learned how to fingerknit at school the other day.  Here's a necklace she made for Mama:

So Mama and CJ picked up some yarn and CJ showed Mama how to do it (thanks also to YouTube!)  Here's Little B modeling her necklace:

And Big B with his (what a challenge getting a picture of these two looking the same way at the same time):

Then CJ used the yarn to make a necklace of her pasta:

Before moving on to her favorites - tape and sharp scissors:

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

This is Why Mama Has No Time

Logged on to the computer to update the blog and ended up finding these awesome birthday cake ideas.  The castle, the ladybug and the princess are all darn cute, although last night in her bath CJ was mentioning a horse themed party...  Good thing we have a few months to plan!

What's For Dinner?

Probably a lot of leftover pasta.  Mama found this link about making rainbow pasta (to play with, not eat) and it looked pretty cool so we walked over to the store, but they didn't have the bulk pasta we'd planned on and CJ couldn't narrow down her choices so we ended up with a few new packages of pasta.  Here she is making it:

We let it soak all night and here's what we ended up with:

Good thing the articles mentioned double bagging because they did leak.  Mama's hands took the brunt of it.  Good thing we don't have new countertops...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Smile, It's Snowing

Not much, but the ground was white on and off this weekend while we visited Seattle.  CJ had a fun visit with her cousins and Grandma W.  She loved all the crafts - even beading necklaces and making sticker art (it's hard to find a white spot on the piece of paper when she is done).  

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Happy Birthday, O

CJ had a great time visiting her cousin, O, for his birthday party.  She enjoyed meeting his friends, making crafts, hunting for her goody bag treats and chocolate cake.  She loved being able to stay for more playing after the other guests left.  Happy Birthday, O!

Friday, March 6, 2009

A Hundred Miles Of Tape

CJ's got the impression that 100 is a HUGE number.  If she ever tells you she likes something 100 times as much, that's pretty darn good.  

Her new favorite art media is scotch tape.  And staples.  She loves to staple a piece of white paper and then tape it up.  We ran out of tape, but it didn't take her long to figure out that Mama had replaced the roll and then she was back at it.

"Regular" and "Apparently" are also favorite words.  She'll say something like "let's just do it regular."  I guess not anything special.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

CM, Part II

We hung onto the library pass for the Children's Museum and today we met some friends there.  Everyone had a good time.  Once again, CJ's favorite thing was the face painting.

Monday, March 2, 2009

San Diego

CJ caught part of a bike race on TV with Daddy.  After seeing everyone wearing summer clothes, she's been talking about San Diego a lot.  Now she is even drawing sunshine.  We'd better not tell her there's a Legoland there or we'll be moving!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Two Steps Backward

So, the nighttime potty training hasn't moved forward much.  We had a wet night, then woke up 2 nights in a row to potty and stayed dry.  Mama was feeling pretty proud.  The next 4 nights CJ didn't come to get us until she was already wet.  We are back on pull-ups now, although CJ is still getting up in the middle of the night to go potty.  We need to work on the timing a bit as she usually comes in after the pull-up is already wet.  She knows if she can keep them dry for 2 days in a row that we'll go back to underpants.