Monday, August 31, 2009

Indoor Gardener

Here's CJ watering the plants in the tub. She's really come to love the handheld showerhead at the pool and will stay in the water forever. Amazing for a girl who used to be scared of the shower.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Stats Are In - Lots of Fours!

Today CJ had her belated appointment for her 4-year old check-up. Her height was 40-1/2", weight 41 lbs and that helped her BMI drop down. She was able to write her name for the doctor, although the letters don't always face the right direction (dr. said not to worry about this until age 7). Eyes and ears checked out great and we finished up with 4 shots, 3 band-aids and 2 stickers.

Looking back, Mama should not have allowed CJ to stick the stickers to her legs because they would not come off. CJ's swim instructor wanted her to take them off before getting into the pool so we ended up missing lessons and Daddy gave her a bath instead.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy Birthday, Big B!

He's 14 years old today.
When not in his bed, this is his favorite spot to lay amidst the construction rubble.
He's not much for hats, so CJ decided to wear the crown.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


We decided to take a break from the madness of repainting the kitchen ceiling and installing windows and go camping. But to make it work, we ended up camping in the backyard. CJ loved looking at the stars, the campfire in the fire pit and, of course, S'MORES! She broke in her new sleeping bag (according to her we got it 14 months ago) and woke up a few times to make sure she was still holding onto her star map and her flashlight. It went pretty well and maybe someday we'll venture out to a campground.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Ooops. Forgot To Bring The Camera.

CJ finished her first session of Otter swimming lessons today and we realized that we never brought the camera to any of her classes. That's ok, because we are silly and went ahead and signed her up for two more weeks. We wouldn't know what to do if we didn't have to rush off to the pool at dinner time.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Here's one of the ways CJ kept herself busy today so Mama could paint some windows. This is Trixie (originally she said it was a drawing of herself, but it later became Trixie). Of course it was her birthday today and there was a party and CJ and one of her dolls came. Presents were "excluded" (a fancy word for left out per Fancy Nancy). She also did a bunch of paintings in the basement with every type of kids paint imaginable and ate a popsicle to stay cool. I think she'll be glad when the kitchen is done.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Daddy's Day

Doesn't she look proud of her work? CJ was so excited for Daddy's birthday. We even managed to find a box with some candles in it for the cake.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Her New Ride

Here's CJ showing off her new ride. Daddy picked this up this morning and after a quick trial ride around the block, CJ was hooked. We took our maiden voyage ride over to the park and she did great. Guess we'll stick to the flat roads as right now she thinks it is easier to pedal backward, rather than forward.

Corn Season

We spent the morning at a local farm for another birthday party. CJ enjoyed making a pasta necklace, a tractor ride,

picking and eating fresh corn, playing croquet, cake, party horns, a pinata and all the goodies from it

and a quick trip though the store and visit with the pig. Mama would have liked warmer weather, but all in all it was a fun party.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Cold Cakes

Since we don't have a working oven, we decided to make Daddy the same birthday cake we made him last year. CJ was so excited, she couldn't wait for it to freeze before she was ready to decorate it. Fresh strawberries and cool whip. Yum.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pump It Up

It was hard to catch a photo that wasn't blurry, but here are a few of CJ enjoying a fun party at Pump It Up Jr. There were two rooms of bouncy toys before we went to the party room for pizza and cake. She had a blast on the slides and in the obstacle course.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Now and Then

Here's CJ posing with the recently bloomed Luna Hibiscus now

and four years ago posing with Mama's help.

Boy, she is getting big.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Oops - Mama Forgot the Camera

It was a crazy morning yesterday trying to pack the car for our trip as things are a bit unorganized around the casa and Mama forgot to bring her camera. We headed up to see Baby C get baptized and visit with some of CJ's other cousins and Grandma W. As usual, CJ had fun seeing everyone.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Back to the Pool

Tonight CJ requested that we bring the camera with us to the pool. It was a bit cloudier and cooler, but she still had a great lesson.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Of course she loves a teacher who wears pink heart sunglasses...

Rocketship Arms

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Otter Here We Come

CJ's swim teacher told us this week that she's ready to move up to the next level, the Otter class. Tonite she did some awesome front glides and her back float is improving. Mama needs to remember the camera for some pictures of her in her glory.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Yes, there was a day when CJ didn't like posing for the camera, but now if it comes out she begs to have her picture taken. Here she is modeling a new dress. And, yes, if you look closely at her arms, you'll notice that the artwork from the birthday card she was making traveled up her arms. Guess she's not over the tattoo phase yet...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Water, Water, Everywhere

We finished the week with a swim party at the Sellwood Pool. We'd begun it with a visit to a club pool with one of CJ's friends. And in between we had tons of swim lessons and a quick trip to the fountain/wading pool at the local park. This little one is enjoying her summer in the water.