Saturday, February 28, 2009

Childrens Museum

It's been a while since we went to the Children's Museum, but today we had the pass from the library so we took Daddy with us.  CJ had fun playing doctor, painting her face, playing with some sensory items, shopping, working with clay, playing instruments, building with blocks and visiting the Bob the Builder exhibit.  She had such a great time, she even played through lunchtime.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We'd Better Save for Med School

Right now here people don't have bodies - just heads and legs.  Actually Mama read somewhere that we should save pictures of people so we can compare them as CJ ages.  Here's what they look like now.


We finally figured out a way to hang up some of CJ's art with clothespins and pink twine hanging from the picture rails.  She was so excited to help put this together and hang all the art.  Mama thought we'd hang her art, but she really wanted to hang the Valentines from her friends at school.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Yes.  We finally did it.  CJ got her first hair cut today.  Just a trim really, to clean it up a bit and make it look healthier.  She likes to say they just cut off her baby hair.  We were having lunch with friends and they were going to stop by Little Clippers, so we tagged along.  Mama didn't have her camera, but CJ did great and we'll post some pictures when we get them from our friends.  She even got sparkly spray to top off her new 'do!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ready or Not?

Not sure if we are ready for it or not, but tonight the little monkey is wearing her ballet undies to bed.  In the past six months, we've had a few spells of several dry nights in a row and many wet ones.  She's asked about undies before, but we haven't really thought about it until now.  The last two nights were dry and we've talked about it and how if she can't tell she needs to go potty while she is sleeping, we can always go back to the "princess pants" (pull-ups).  Even the Pampers newsletter Mama gets indicated that kids sometimes still have accidents at this age, seeming to mean that most are not still wearing diapers/pull-ups.  Wish us luck.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Veggie Stew

CJ's been using the new kitchen.  Today she even made some veggie stew for two of her favorite dollies.  She set the table for them with their bowls and spoons and napkins (Mama's old floppy disks - one of her favorite toys!).  Yum.

Thanks, Daddy

Mama wasn't feeling well today so luckily Daddy was able to take some time away from work to handle CJ and the feeding, dressing, chauffeuring to school and ballet, etc.  The sun was actually out (to the amazement of some of our relatives who live to the south of us) and they were able to find a few minutes for the park around ballet class.  CJ enjoyed her special day with Daddy.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Oh My, Oh My, Oh Elephants

We took advantage of a sunny day to meet some friends at the zoo after school.  So much of the zoo is under construction, it seemed like we missed a lot of the exhibits, but we did get to see CJ's favorite - the baby elephant.  And the zebras seemed closer than usual and the hippos were much more active - we even saw their teeth today.  It seems like you see something different each visit and CJ always has fun.

PJ Day

Today was PJ Day at CJ's school.  They wore pj's and brought a stuffed friend and a flashlight.  Mama thought CJ would wear her chocolate lab pj's and bring a brown puppy to school, but she chose her fairy pj's and a little bunny to bring, along with her pig flashlight.  The kids had fun showing off their friends and making shadows with the lights.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

After some discussion, OMSI beat the Big Blue Slide as the place CJ wanted to show her cousins. CJ enjoyed the special spin art demonstration with her Daddy and we showed the cousins the Science Playground as well as some of the other exhibits in the museum.  You could definitely spend the whole day there if you had the time.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


CJ loves having visitors and gets so excited to pick out things to show them and share with them when they arrive.  Today her cousins, O & B, came for a visit.  She was so excited to show them the tree at a neighbor's house where she "cooks" for us on our nightly dog walks.  We also took them to the neighborhood school park to burn off some energy and then visited her favorite restaurant to refuel.  The sharing went ok, not perfect, but not terrible either.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen

Here's the little drama queen performing after consuming her fair share of cookie dough. Mama missed the "ladies and gentlemen" at the beginning of the performance countdown. CJ performs pretty well on the small stage (also known as a step stool).

Ok, ok. Mama just realized that the new camera makes QuickTime videos, which can't easily be rotated in Windows Movie Maker. Here it is sideways, until she can figure this out.

She Hearts Cookies - Then and Now

Last Year:

This Year:

The incident that got her fired from frosting duties:

Monday, February 9, 2009


Here's the artist hard at work on valentines for all her school friends.  And, yes.  She loves her cupcake dress.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Cookery

It's official.  The cooker has a cookery!  Unfortunately it didn't come with a fridge, but CJ is still having lots of fun baking cakes, muffins, soups, name it.  She even asks for a pen to write out her recipes.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Crazy Mama

For fun, Mama thought she should start checking out kindergarten a year early!  You see, in Portland the kids can go to their neighborhood school, transfer to a magnet school with a specific focus, apply to a charter school or opt for private school.  Way too many things to consider in just a few months, so Mama and CJ headed over to an arts school for a tour today and Mama visited the neighborhood school tonight.  It should be interesting...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Sunday

Mama needed some groceries before the big game and was going to walk over to the store.  CJ thought she'd ride along on her trike, but had a last minute change of heart (after Daddy pumped up the tires and adjusted it) and decided to ride her bike instead.  The first few minutes were tough going, but the lure of a chocolate milk at Starbucks pushed her through.  She did great riding over and rode all the way home on her own.  Good job!