Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Rainbow Pot

CJ used a rainbow of colors to paint her pottery. When she didn't have pink, she made it herself with red and white. She even made a dark pink, too.

Friday, November 26, 2010


CJ and Daddy broke out the pottery wheel CJ received for her birthday today. CJ had fun making this cup and is waiting for it to dry so she can paint it.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

With some uncertain weather in the Seattle area, we decided to stick close to home for Turkey day. We walked over to the store to get some food and CJ and Daddy worked on some projects while Mama did some cooking. CJ was excited to eat in the dining room for a change and after she set the table, she wanted to light the candles and turn the lights way down low on the dimmer. She even set-up a kids table for her dolls. They had turkey soup. We ended the night with a game of Candyland. CJ had fun, but was sad to miss a trip to see Grandma W and her cousins.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


CJ kept herself busy at home this morning. She did this work on her letters, then moved on to numbers and art.

Snow Day!

Well more like an ice day. There's only a touch of snow out there, but the temp isn't expected to go above freezing so school was cancelled today. CJ's plan was to "stay in bed and snuggle all day", but that quickly dissolved into an Angelia Ballerina show and breakfast. How come the non-school days are the earliest we wake up?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Deck Stairs and Fascia are Done!

Fun with Food

CJ showing off her "queen of cheese" and the "orange castle".

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Back to the Gym

It had been a while, but we made it back to the gym today. CJ did great and mastered the word wall, even though she couldn't at the beginning of the day.

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Composer

Daddy was talking about work and mentioned Australia. That prompted CJ to start a chant about Australia. She went to her room and grabbed instruments for Mama and Daddy to join in with her. Then she disappeared again and when she came back she had this paper full of music notes and her ukulele. She played us the song she created (sorry the video is too dark). Maybe we need to get her back into music classes.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Winter Wet

It was pouring today. Yuck. And dark so early. When CJ finished her gymnastics class, we gave Daddy a call and asked if he wanted a ride home from work so he didn't have to get soaked riding home. He took us up on it.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Listen Up!

Today CJ and Mama headed to one of the local libraries for a puppet show. It was one we haven't seen before and CJ enjoyed it and all the songs. She also had fun seeing an old friend. Daddy was busy at home, finishing up the deck stairs. Photos of those coming soon.

What's for Breakfast?

We're missing fresh and local berries, but we found some in the freezer for CJ to use to decorate her heart pancakes.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Trim Time

It had been a while since CJ got a haircut so we headed out to her favorite salon today after school. She turned down a movie, but said yes to the pink car, lollipop and princess style (complete with purple sparkly spray).

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Nice Ride

We had a doctor's appointment today and decided to take the Tram up to the office. It wasn't quite as clear as the photos on the website, but we did get to see the sun shining on the mountain on the way up. It was drizzly on the way back down, but CJ enjoyed watching the ants (cars) on the roads below.

Ladybug Girl

Well actually CJ was chosen to be a cow in The Gingerbread Man show we saw with friends today at the Ladybug Theatre. It was a bit different than Mama thought it would be, but the kids all enjoyed the interactive performance. CJ loved being part of the show and taking bows.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Portrait Session

Here's CJ trying to set the stage for Little B's hat-wearing portrait shoot. Little B is pretty tolerant of CJ and her ideas (she's also glad it's fleece sheet season again).

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

All By Itself

Tooth #2 fell out all by itself. And the big girl teeth are slowly moving into position. Yeah!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bigger Than It Looks

Here's the deck that's been keeping Daddy busy when he's not at work. He stopped early today to take CJ to the pool for some swimming fun, but was able to put on some temporary stairs so we can use the deck until he gets a chance to finish those. Thanks, Daddy.

Setting the Stage

Maybe we're too early, but today we planted some paperwhite bulbs for the holidays. (Later we found the bulbs we saved from last year so perhaps we'll plant more after these bloom.) CJ arranged them perfectly for a photo shoot.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tooth Fairy Loot

CJ woke up on Friday to a gold coin in her tooth fairy box and a nice wooden calendar. Unfortunately it was about 6:30 and she was so excited to get the calendar all set-up for the month...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

And Then There Was One

The dentist numbed the sore area in CJ's mouth and was checking the white spot below the tooth. He used his tool to jiggle the tooth, which was held on by just one string, and he just sort of popped it. CJ teared up a bit and there was some bleeding. She rinsed and had a little laughing gas and was ok in a minute and got to go pick out a toy. The dentist gave her a cool tooth box and we stopped at Jamba Juice for a smoothie on the way home and things were all good.

So now the other loose tooth is right in the middle of the gap, waiting to fall out. And the big ones are behind, waiting for some room and her tongue to push them forward. And hopefully "mean Mommy" is gone for at least a few years.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Infected Tooth?

After Mama read online that she might want to call the dentist about CJ's teeth, she did so. Several times. On Monday, the person who answered the phone said that her child had also had shark teeth and not to worry, just to have CJ wiggle them until they fell out. But by today, CJ's mouth looked really red in that area and even a bit white under the looser of the two teeth. There was some tooth bleeding at school and Mama was worried about infection, when CJ decided to call Mama "mean Mommy" about this. So Mama called the dentist again. This time the dentist got on the phone, but seemed reluctant to say it could be an infection. He did say we could bring her in for a quick peek in her mouth so we'll do that tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy E-Day

Not election day, but eggnog. Yup, eggnog lattes are back for the season at Starbuck's. Yum. And there just so happens to be a Starbuck's near the library where Mama dropped off her election ballot this afternoon.

And here's the girl she picked up at school today - covered in paper mache from a mask project they are working on. Wonder what people thought happened to her when we stopped off at the science museum for a bit on our way home from school?

Monday, November 1, 2010


We were thinking about getting a hot air popper, but we know how to make popcorn in the microwave and today we found an even better way. This stovetop method worked great. A little oil, but yummy popcorn.
Here's the photographer photographing her snack - she was so excited that Mama gave her a folder on the computer for her pictures. She really thought it meant that she had her own blog that her Grandmas could look at to see her pictures.