Saturday, July 31, 2010

Everybody's Brewing

Not a bad view from the deck...

Friday, July 30, 2010

Waterfront Park

Great playground toys, a swimming beach, a climbing rock structure and even musical instruments. With that blue sky, not much was missing from this park.

Fair Day

We took a trip out to the land where Little B hails from for a visit to the county fair. We saw animals, a few exhibits, enjoyed some food and got in a quick ride before the sun really warmed up and we headed back to town.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Farmers Market

We enjoyed dinner and berries at the farmers market, where CJ danced to the music of a marimba band and later made friends with a ladybug before we headed across the street to play at a park.

Rain, Rain Go Away

Looks like she'll be ready for her own Ipod soon...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Family friendly, fun, flat, easy. Those were the words Mama saw when she read about the bike ride from Hood River to Mosier. So, why not take our little one who has been riding her bike solo for a whole ten days now...

The views were good and the pavement was nice and flat, but that didn't mean the ride was without hills. CJ did a great job, but some of the climbs were a bit much for her so Daddy assisted with a little push.

The end of the trail had us on a road to reach the town, where Mama and CJ enjoyed a coffee (for some reason they had a guitar on display at the cafe) and an ice cream, while Daddy rode back on the trail to get the car.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Free Advice

If you are in Hood River, have some ice cream at Mike's. The portions are huge!

Elliot Glacer Views

We finally made it to Elliot Glacier when they were open. It was Taco Night and they also had kids meals so we were set for food. We were disappointed that they had "blown" the keg of their IPA and apparently didn't have any more on hand. We enjoyed a Portland IPA, which they kindly forgot to charge us for. Not a bad deal.

Children's Park

We found the Children's Park not far from where we were staying. CJ enjoyed all the structures and the dogs enjoyed a nice rest.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Sealward Bound

Here's CJ showing off her Otter report card, while enjoying her swim lesson treat. She'll be moving on to the Seal level next class.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tale of Two Suits

You really need two swimsuits on warm sunny days so you can spend the morning at the fountain with friends (followed by ice cream, of course):
and still have a dry one to wear while you bike over to swim lessons:

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Number Fourteen

One of CJ's favorite things to do is to make cards. She even staples together her own envelopes. Here's today's Happy Anniversary card for Mom and Dad. It came complete with a beaded "Mom" and a beaded "Dad" necklace. After dinner we biked as a family over to the finest gelateria in Portland. (That's their claim and based upon location we agree, but there are certainly a few others we enjoy as well.)

Little Miss Independent

CJ was so excited about her new biking skills that she wanted to attempt the 15-20 block ride to swim lessons solo. We got home from the movie in time, so it was a go. She did great. Mama walked (and jogged) alongside her on the way there and Daddy rode back with us after class. Boy what a difference a few days makes.

Kermit vs. Charlotte

One of the things on our to-do list this summer was to catch a free movie. We woke up to some drizzle, so this seemed like a good day to try it. We had to decide between Muppets From Space and Charlotte's Web. After looking at the trailers and thinking that Charlotte's Web might be too sad, we selected Muppets From Space.

Neither one of us liked the movie. As CJ was dozing off to sleep tonight she said "I didn't like that movie when the music wasn't on". It's true. She turned away from the screen many times (like when they were going to do a brain sucking operation!) and even though I asked if she wanted to leave she said no and we stuck it out. Also, it was loud. I mean LOUD! I'm not a movie goer so I don't know if it is always loud or not, but why does it need to be so loud? And I'm surprised it wasn't rated as being more violent. There was a huge gun, lots of punching and the brain sucking plus did I mention it was LOUD? Sorry to the Disney-haters out there, but I would much rather let my child watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on TV then let her watch more movies like this.

The worst part was the far drive and that we have troubles making it out of the house in the morning and predicting how to get to the freeway without hitting road construction in Portland. But we ended up with a good day by shopping and even starting to find a few items to put in the gift closet for future birthdays and holidays.

Monday, July 19, 2010

She's a Pro

It's Been A While

We finally got the pass to the Children's Museum from the library and since it was a cloudy morning we headed over to check it out. CJ had fun pretending she was a vet, shopping at the "store", playing the xylophone, singing (backstage - "Hey Soul Sister", of course), applying face paint, hula hooping outside, making a craft with hot glue, building with blocks and messing around in the dig pit.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Putting It All Together

Yesterday we practiced bike riding and CJ was really getting the stopping and riding without training wheels. Tonight on the dog walk she "put it all together" (her quote) and figured out how to get starting. She did great. We just need to figure out how to get her interested in upgrading to riding the purple bike without training wheels and she'll really be fast!

The Latest Vision

We've had the deck down a while and are still working out exactly what will replace it. This morning after our run we walked home and saw a few yards that gave us a new inspiration. This is a view out CJ's door of what we came up with for a small pad of a paver patio within a larger gravel patio. We'll see how it comes together. Last week CJ and Mama went to a couple of lumber yards and we think we know what we want to do for the deck so it's just finding time to get it all together now.

A Little Water

CJ got this flower sprinkler in her stocking for Christmas and we finally gave it a little trial run in the yard today. She loved it. Nothing that a little water doesn't make better.

There's A New Runner In The Family

The last two weeks CJ has gotten out of her stroller and done part of our Sunday run with us. It's great to see her interest. We'll have to find another kids run for her to do soon.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sunny Day Song

We were sitting out front and CJ started singing. Loud. Then she went and got an instrument and a book and started making up songs to go with the pictures in the book. If anyone were to walk by (which many people did), the volume increased. She really loves her music.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

And Yet Again

We took another trip to Wilson Pool today. We were supposed to go on Friday, but the forecast changed and we had time so we met friends there. It was fun as usual and not too crowded for most of our visit.

The Dolls

CJ put together all her Polly Pocket dolls and then asked me to take a picture of her. These dolls keep her busy and it's funny to listen and hear what they are up to and how they talk to each other. She can be pretty creative.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Dinner, It's the New Breakfast

Not really, but Mama just finished making dinner for tonight while CJ ate breakfast. We've signed up for another two weeks of swim lessons and it's just too hard to get dinner made afterwards and get her to bed at a decent time. So tonight we'll have pasta shells and veggies waiting for us. Heck, while I was in there I went ahead and made her sandwich for lunch so I don't have to do that later.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

She Loves This Place

Today we were supposed to go to a park and ride bikes, but as the day went on there was a change in plans and we took another trip to Wilson Pool to enjoy the sunny weather. CJ saw a friend from preschool there and she followed her around for a long time as they slid down the froggie slide over and over again. As we were getting ready to leave, we saw some other friends so we met with them for a bite. Who wants to be home when the sun is out?

Where Did I Come From?

For CJ's birthday we got her this cute book on Where You Came From. Obviously it didn't answer the question because tonight on the way home from the pool she asked if we found her on the computer. Nope. We didn't buy you on Craigslist sweetie. Then as Mama sat in here on the computer she could hear CJ and Daddy going to bed and CJ asked about "body builders" and if a body builder made her. Guess she must have heard Mama talking about a local woman who used to be a body builder over dinner and although that does seem like a logical explanation, it isn't quite right either...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Street Fair

Today we headed over to a local street fair for some fun. It was a success. Although it was hot, CJ enjoyed making a ribbon wand and crown at the kids area and then she got her face painted with a heart and a ladybug on each cheek. We listened to music and had a few bites to eat while we tried to stay hydrated. She found a pink laptop to play with at one of the kids stores and amused people on the street with her hula hooping skills (especially how she danced her fingers around while hooping). We ended the day with painting a car for a local charity organization.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Salmon Street Springs

On our way home from the zoo, we decided to stop at a fountain to cool off. Salmon Street Springs was pretty crowded with the warm weather and all the water was in the center, with a ton of kids around and in it. It didn't look like the city picture or what we remembered. Daddy was able to step out from work to join us for a few minutes, but it didn't take long before CJ was pushed by a big kid and ready to hop back on the Max to head home for swim lessons.

No Animals At The Zoo

Well it seemed like that to us. CJ and Mama walked over to the Max train and headed to the zoo. As soon as we got there, she asked if we could ride the zoo train. So we walked over to the train booth to see how it looked (full disclosure - we did see a leopard on the way). We took the train to Washington Park and for the first time we got out there and visited the Rose Gardens. CJ didn't want to walk down to the playground so we just smelled some roses and then headed back to the zoo. When we got there she didn't want to find the birds or even go in to the cool polar bear area. We grabbed a sno-cone and found some shade to eat it in and then we headed out to take the Max train home again.